Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thought for the day!

"7 Steps for Personal Growth. Don't make your growth accidental. Make it your mission." John C. Maxwell
That was the article headline that caught my attention as I was reading through Success Magazine. It's the reason I bought the magazine, just to read John Maxwell's writing because this past week I temporarily lost sight of my longterm goals for the growth of my business.  And I think in part, in the back of my head, I felt like coasting for awhile. But I want to grow and you can't grow and coast at the same time.
"You can tell you're on the road to success; it's uphill all the way."  Paul Harvey
Oh..that's good news! You mean I have to keep pedaling? Yes, that's what that means, or stay exactly where I am right now or worse, slide backwards. What strikes more fear in my heart? Having to continue pedaling to see the growth that I desire for my team, or slide back and have to retrace my steps? I think I know the answer to that!  John Maxwell also says in this article:
"You can't coast uphill. Growth doesn't happen by itself; it requires an active investment of time."  
An active investment. Think about that for a minute. What are you doing on a daily basis that is an "active investment" of your time into your business? And if your team members do the same thing, will they succeed and will they make any money? Write that on your office white board or stick it up on your bulletin board. "If my team did what I did today, would they have made any money?"

What you are wanting in your business is to produce some leaders. And to produce leaders, you have to keep your production going. I think that last sentence was from a Beachbody Momentum newsletter, but I've said it to myself so many times over the last week, that it is now a part of me. I'm trying to get it to sink in!

What is your action plan for this week? Sink or swim? Pedal or coast? Grow or stand still?

In this together,


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