Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Motivational Mondays

Hey Team!
Yes, I do know it's Wednesday but I'm referring to the Motivational Monday webinars in your Coach Office.  
Remember, to grow a successful business, you need to stay plugged into the:

  • Corporate webinars and trainings
  • Your team's Beachbody Briefing webinar and trainings
  • Local events and meetings
  • Tools in Coach office and provided by your team
Choose one Briefing and one training every week. And there are plenty to choose from, so write it into your action plan!

Everyone grows a business at their own speed. Some gather momentum right away and sometimes it takes awhile. Either way, every successful coach has stayed plugged in on a regular basis to their team and the Coach office.  

I am really excited about all the new tools coming out to help you grow your business. You'll see them in person at the Game Plan event if you are attending, or shortly afterwards. And you are going to love them!
Beachbody is on the move and we don't want anyone left behind, so stay plugged in!

In this together,

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