So about that picture up above in the header. About three weeks before the Beachbody Coach Summit last March, I got a call asking me if I would just share my before and after story, physically and financially, at the Summit. Those of you who are achievers are probably thinking, "man yeah..of course you would want to." But the thought scared me half to death. Obviously it didn't scare me TO death or I wouldn't be here telling this story.
But let me back up a bit. About 8 months earlier I was at a women's retreat and the speaker was talking to us about gratitude, for one thing. But also about reaching for our dreams. Now, if you know me, I still wasn't comfortable talking about dreams at that point. However, we were supposed to pair up with the person next to us and just tell them one big thing we wanted to accomplish if nothing could hold us back. Well, in the back of my mind I was thinking..'stand on the Beachbody stage.' My friend told me hers but I couldn't say mine out loud. It just seemed to audacious. Let's be real. I froze up when I tried to talk in a room with 5 people.
However, the speaker challenged us to first off every day say 3 gratitudes. And then, say out loud that thing we wanted to do. Well, I had no problem with the gratitudes. But I didn't think that just saying something out loud would make anything difference.
One day I was alone though, in my Beachbody Tahoe, and I can it hurt? And feeling very silly, I said out loud "I will stand on Beachbody's stage and share our journey." hahaha So I did it. Then I started saying it out loud more often, even trying to say it with conviction. In my mind though, it was the same way I felt when I pictured myself in the Olympics on a bobsled or skiing the moguls...never having even skied before!
And then that day that Kevin from corporate called me, I was temporarily silenced. Yes, I freeze up talking in front of people; but I can't stop talking if we are one on one. My grandpa used to tell me I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle. My first thought was...'Wow. Maybe that speaker at the lady's retreat was on to something.' And without much more ado, I just said yes. After which I was coached not to write out a speech and to just share from my heart.
Not write out a speech? Was he kidding me? So, every night from that point and any time I was alone or vacuuming or walking or exercising I was nervously retelling my story to myself. What had I agreed to? I would lay awake at night practicing. "Hi, my name is Anne Dovel."
Thirty minutes before going on stage, I started to nervously write out some notes. "My name is Anne Dovel. I was 36.." What was I thinking not writing this all down on notecards? I didn't want to forget the obvious.
I was scared. I was shaking so badly backstage that for a little bit they had me go out in the sun to warm up.
How did it go? Well, you can watch the videos on youtube if you are so inclined. But the point is...if you made it this far in the blog...
I'm not here to profess to be an expert in network marketing, leading, speaking, teaching, coaching, or fitness. I'm just sharing what I've learned so far and I hope if nothing else you realize from being on this blog that YOU have it within you to succeed. You do. I'm nothing special or amazing, which you'll find out if you meet me some day. I'm an ordinary person who finally woke up and realized I could achieve my extraordinary dreams if I was willing to silence those voices in my head that said I couldn't.
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." Van Gogh
In this together,
Anne, I'm so glad you're not an expert (although to me you are!), because I can go through this journey WITH you and not BEHIND you! Thanks for being you!
And so with that being said, can you tell us if we will see you next Spring on that stage again? If you speak with the same sincerity and passion that you write with, I can only imagine... Keep dreaming Anne Doval, keep dreaming.
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