Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are you reading? Are you listening?

Are you reading 10 pages a day and listening to 15 minutes of a good audio every day?  Think about it! If you do that for a year, you'll have read at least 3650 pages..that's 12 or more good books. Put good stuff in if you want to grow and development in all areas of your life.  And I highly recommend this book to start with. I've read it once and am getting ready to read it again.

Getting healthy together!

Anne Dovel

The  Slight EdgeThe Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen
Do you find yourself missing the one thing in life that would help you achieve a desired goal, realize a long-held dream, or push you up the ladder to success? Then The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson is the book for you!
Successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jeff Olson provides you with The Slight Edge Philosophy—the secret for putting yourself on the path to success. He'll teach you how to invest in your own personal development and show you how it is the little steps you make that yield the most dramatic life results.
In this inspirational book, you'll learn the secrets for enhancing all aspects of your life: your health, your finances, your personal relationships, and your family life.

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