"Rather, your values should govern your dream. Anytime these two things get out of whack and the dream begins to control your values, the cost is getting too high."
"...every dream is personal, and as a result, the costs will be too."And John Maxwell says there are at least 3 prices that everyone must pay when trying to succeed.
- Pay the price of dealing with criticism from people who matter.
- Pay the price of overcoming your fears.
- Pay the price of hard work.
We thought Dave's job was pretty secure because he was known as a really hard worker and took 1 sick day in 16 years. But after this last injury..and injuries are common with FedEx..the position he had worked so hard for was not available. Sure, he could have taken a desk job in another state, but he didn't have to. We had prepared ourselves before this happened by building a business. A business that is still in it's infancy and we are debt free and enjoying life like we've never enjoyed it before.
Alot of people get into business for themselves and at the first roadblock they turn back. You can't take the easy road and expect to realize a big dream!
What is your Why? What is your dream? This isn't some get rich quick scheme. This is real and if you are thinking you'll wait another couple of years and then check it out, that's up to you! But there is only one time period when a company is "ground-floor" and that's where we are with Team Beachbody.
Are you a person of action? Don't let this pass you by!
Anne Dovel
Lock in your spot with Team Beachbody now. This train is leaving the station! Are you going to be on it?
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