Saturday, September 26, 2009

I didn't want to skip my reading today..

10 pages or minutes, it doesn't matter. Just make it 10 a day! We are talking personal development reading and listening. You'll find an earlier post about personal development and since that post I have stayed committed to at least 10 minutes a day, although usually I got way beyond that. However, just like with my workouts, sometimes I have to tease myself to get started by saying... "okay, it's 10 have that much time.." And once I get started, I realize I don't want to stop! 

The book I'm reading right now is John C. Maxwell's  "Put Your Dream to the Test." One of the pages I read today talked about how people may try to 'steal' your dreams; not in those words, but that was the idea. And it was so funny to me and so applicable. You see, this is our annual family camping weekend at Ponca State Park in Nebraska. It was a gorgeous day and after hiking and eating; eating some more and playing around, many of our group was just resting and reading by the campfire. Well, I had brought my new Eating Clean magazine and my new book, but for a couple of minutes I I take my book out by the campfire? What will they say when I'm reading a personal development book instead of something "fun?" Read the title of the book, Anne! Put Your Dream to the Test! So...
I took the book out with me, settled down into my chair and this is what I read..."If you focus too much attention on who you aren't by comparing yourself to someone else, you lose sight of who you need to become." Ouch...I do that all the myself to others. And then..."...there is great wisdom in the 18/40/60 Rule.  When you're 18, you worry about  what everyone is thinking about you. When you're 40, you don't give a darn what anybody thinks of you. When you're 60, you realize that nobody has been thinking of you at all!"
I've read this same message in a couple of different books lately and I think maybe God is trying to tell me something by leading me to those pages!  
1. Quit comparing yourself to others. You can't be somebody else; you have to be the best you that you can be.  
2. When you worry what others are thinking all the time, you can't reach your own full potential.  

Just a couple of thoughts that crossed my mind today. Now it's time to go back out by the fire again. The weather is perfect, the sun has gone down, and the campfire is calling me back outside! I love to sit by a fire and dream.

What is your dream? What is your why? Have you taken ownership of your own dreams?

In this together,

1 comment:

Michelle Moy said...

You're awesome Anne. Your words also spoke to MY heart today! Enjoy your camping trip.